
Refund Policy :

Using this site does not, by design, establish an advisor-client or consultant-client relationship between Dreamcountry Visas PVT LTD and you, the guest/reader/user. Such a relationship can only occur if an advisory or consulting fee is paid to Dreamcountry Visas PVT LTD. Should a visit result in an advisor-client or consultant-client relationship, the client agrees to the following refund policy terms involving consulting:


An advisor-client or consultant-client relationship will be governed by a new Contract of Engagement (COE) that is agreed upon and signed by both parties, namely Dreamcountry Visas PVT LTD and the client. The terms and conditions and refund policy outlined in this Contract of Engagement are entirely separate from the terms and conditions governing the use of this site.


As the engagement terms may differ from one client to another, it is the responsibility of the guest/reader/user to request a draft copy of the Contract of Engagement (COE) from Dreamcountry Visas PVT LTD. This COE will include an annex on the refund policy applicable to their specific situation. The client should review the COE and refund policy carefully and make the payment to Dreamcountry Visas PVT LTD only after this evaluation.


The client must provide all necessary information and documents, including English translations if required, to Dreamcountry Visas PVT LTD and the relevant Visa Office. Dreamcountry Visas PVT LTD will base its services on the information and documents provided by the client. If these details are found to be inaccurate, fraudulent, incomplete, or incorrect, and are not accepted by the relevant Immigration bodies, Dreamcountry Visas PVT LTD is not liable for any negative impact on the petition outcome or for any resulting rejection. No refunds will be given for consulting fees or payments made to government organizations in such cases.


Dreamcountry Visas PVT LTD’s role is limited to assisting the client with the submission and processing of their immigration petition based on the stages outlined in the Contract of Engagement (COE) that is separately agreed upon and signed. This assistance is provided only for the stages for which the fee has been paid to Dreamcountry Visas PVT LTD.


Charges from government and skills evaluation agencies can change at the discretion of these bodies, and Dreamcountry Visas PVT LTD has no control over such changes. The client must pay all applicable charges for the immigration process to various government and associated entities, as well as for testing. Dreamcountry Visas PVT LTD does not guarantee that the petition will be successful.


Dreamcountry Visas PVT LTD does not have control over changes to existing selection criteria that may occur after the COE is signed, such as changes in pass marks or new regulations affecting previously submitted petitions.


The client must disclose all details regarding past or present cases of misconduct, conviction, or insolvency involving themselves or their dependents. Failure to disclose such details, if discovered later, will result in no refunds of the money paid to Dreamcountry Visas PVT LTD.


The client must submit all required documents, forms, and information within 30 days to allow Dreamcountry Visas PVT LTD to file the petition for skills appraisal with the appropriate appraisal organization. Failure to do so will result in no refund of the advisory/consulting fee.


The client must inform Dreamcountry Visas PVT LTD of any communications received from the processing visa office within a week of receipt, and any direct communications with the visa bureau within a week of such contact. This includes personal visits and phone inquiries. Failure to do so will result in no refund of any advisory charges.


The client must attend all required interviews at the specified location and at their own expense, and promptly follow all instructions from the visa agency. Failure to do so will result in no refund of any advisory charges.


The client must demonstrate possession of the required liquid funds before the permit is issued or at any time during the petition processing, in accordance with the visa policy requirements. Failure to do so will result in no refund of advisory charges.


The client is responsible for paying all fees owed to government and skills appraisal bodies, and language testing organizations, including but not limited to skills appraisal costs, residency visa petition costs, IELTS tests, and health tests. These fees are non-refundable and not adjustable by either the receiving offices or Dreamcountry Visas PVT LTD, regardless of the final outcome of the visa petition. Dreamcountry Visas PVT LTD does not guarantee a favorable appraisal or result.


The client must notify Dreamcountry Visas PVT LTD of any changes in their housing/mailing address, educational credentials, marital status, employment, newly born children, or any legal issues after submitting the petition and during the processing period until the Permanent Resident Permit is issued. Failure to do so will result in no refund of advisory charges.


The client must achieve the minimum required IELTS scores in each of the four appraisal factors (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) as specified in the COE with Dreamcountry Visas PVT LTD. Failure to meet these scores will result in no reimbursement of advisory charges.


If married, the client must ensure their spouse takes the IELTS test and provides a report with the minimum required score as specified in the COE. Failure to achieve these scores will result in no refund of advisory charges.


The advisory/consulting charges paid to Dreamcountry Visas PVT LTD do not include any fees owed to government organizations, language testing groups, or other entities, and are limited to the services outlined in the COE.


If the client opts to use the services of a global authorized assignee, they must make additional payments for such services to Dreamcountry Visas PVT LTD as arranged under the COE. Any online payments do not cover fees for such assignees and are non-refundable.


The client acknowledges the typical waiting periods and average processing times for their permit class, which depend on the processing visa office/appraisal body. The client agrees that they will not claim any refunds based on extended processing times.


Dreamcountry Visas PVT LTD does not offer job assistance or guarantees following permit approval and landing in an overseas country. No refund will be claimed for advisory charges based on the lack of job assistance.


In the event of a dispute regarding payments made to Dreamcountry Visas PVT LTD under the COE, Dreamcountry Visas PVT LTD's responsibility, if any, will be limited to the advisory/consulting charges paid as part of the COE.